Notes About Data Conversion CSS Data
October 29, 2024
- Existing process allow for the reconciliation/proof of:
- Store MAGIX project data (system of record) to .109 MGXSTAGE.
- .109 MGXSTAGE to .235 MGXSTAGE
- NOTE: After Go Live .109 and .235 MGXSTAGE (.212 development MGXSTAGE) will no longer be updated with transactions or customer adjustments, i.e., customer balances and transactions will be frozen.
- Per agreement with Reddy and David, only customers that have a transaction 1/1/2013 and later will be converted will become the production database in CSS (likely a refreshed copy of the current development .212 instance).
- Selection of records from .235 MGXSTAGE Daniels Schema is: where daniels.customer_account.last_rcpt_date >= '01 jan 2013'
- Converted data will be loaded into CSS in various tables:
- dbt_referral_amt (customer’s converted balance)
- dbt_referral_date (open conversation with CSS as to the appropriate date to use, e.g., magix customer creation date or conversion date).
- One or more transactions will be created and loaded and will sum to the dbt_refferal_amount.
- A single transaction will be used for write-off accounts representing the current, uncollected balance.
- Multiple transactions will be used for accounts with an active balance to allow for the “next statement” to be generated from CSS.
- SOA, CAI, RCB, ACP and RW3 user defined screens will be built out based on available data and all necessary data to drive continued usage/processing within the CSS system.
- CSS Tables
- There are several tables in the current production .235 CSS instances that will be converted/copied into the new production database.
- Control and support tables not already build for use in new production environment, such as LTR letters, must be copied over into .212 environment.
- A selection of customers in .235 will be convert and will become the customers in production database. The selection criteria is: from css.dbt a left join daniels.customer_account cust_act on a.dbt_client = cust_act.site_id and a.dbt_clnt_acnt1 = cust_act.cust_id left join mgxstage.customer cust on cust_act.site_id = cust.site_id and cust_act.cust_id = cust.cust_id left join mgxstage.cust_acct_status cas on cas.code = cust_act.cust_acct_stat
- There are several tables in the current production .235 CSS instances that will be converted/copied into the new production database.
where cust_act.last_rcpt_date >= '01 JAN 2013'
- All customer information-related tables/records in .235 will be copied to customers/records tables in production database, including DBT, DEM, POE, HST, UWF’s (except RW, etc.
- NOTE: Yx DEM records will be written into the new production database as Cx records.
- NOTE: Wx DEM records will be written into the new production database as Dx records.
- These .235 UWF sequences need to be incorporated into .212 UWF table
- UWD_CODE/UWF_SEQ = RCC (Running contact count)
- UWD_CODE/UWF_SEQ = TMP (Temporary UDW Window)